Monte Alban Mezcal 700ml Monte Alban Mezcal 700ml
4.5 stars - "Review for Monte Alban Mezcal 700ml" This Monte Alban Mezcal 700ml is the best Tequila I have tried.
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Monte Alban Mezcal 700ml

Product ID: 12045

View or buy the Tequila Spirits - Monte Alban Mezcal 700ml from MONTE ALBAN to discover other options and shipping details.


The Monte Alban Mezcal is considered the spirit for true lovers of Tequila. Containing the famous worm that inhabits the Agave plant, Monte Alban is a big and bold Mezcal with all the fire and brimstone one would expect. Golden pale amber colour, smoky agave and grilled pineapple to the nose and a soft palate of grilled fruit, prune and light minerals. Monte Alban is the perfect spirit for an adventurous soul.

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